Marriage Matters

Marriage Matters course is run by Pastor Bill and Pastor Loraine Scullard from CLEAR Ministries Church in Cairns and based off the Alpha marriage course, designed to strengthen your marriage

Bill and Loraine Scullard

Pastor Bill and Loraine Scullard

Marriage Matters Co-ordinators and Pastors

What is the Marriage Matters Course about?

Marriage Matters is hosted by CLEAR Ministries and based off the Alpha marriage course.

The Alpha Marriage Course has successfully been run in over 127 countries for over 1 million couples. The Marriage Course is an attempt to push beyond the walls of the church in order to assist couples with their relationships regardless of the religious affiliation. The Marriage Course is designed by Christians and has many christian elements to it, but is in no way solely for Christian use. 

If you would like to see your marriage revived, or reset that spark that once was, or even if your marriage is going well and you just want to learn more about one another. We would love to welcome you to join us at our marriage matters course 


3 Mt Finnigan Close, Smithfield, QLD


Dinner will be provided

Each couple will be assigned their own private table where they will have dinner together and have ample space to communicate with each other comfortably


Watch this space for the announcement of the date of the next course.  This could be perhaps by the middle or end of 2023

Sign Up for the next round of the Marriage Matters Course here

Please make sure to register beforehand if you decide to join us by contacting Sharon Daly or by registering through the form above. Registering through the form does not guarantee a spot but it lets us know you are interested. We will get back to you regarding whether there is an available opening for you to join us for the current round.

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